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Zdeněk Utrhlička

Author of articles by 03/2021

Gambling problems
17 min

How to get rid of betting addiction

How to get rid of your betting addiction. ✔️ What should I do if I want to stop betting? ✔️ How to help someone quit betting? ✔️ All about how to stop betting and get rid of your betting addiction.
Gambling problems
20 min

Gambling addiction: Symptoms, consequences and treatment options

Gambling addiction. ⇒ Symptoms, consequences and treatment options. ✔️ Why do people believe they can make money from gambling? ✔️ How can gambling addiction be treated? ✔️ All about gambling addiction.
Gambling problems
13 min

Life with a gambler

Life with a gambler ⇒ What to do if a loved one is addicted to gambling? ✔️ The effects of gambling on life and relationships. ✔️ What to do if you share a life with a gambler. ✔️ How to rebuild trust in a relationship.
Gambling problems
11 min

Loan rejection due to betting

What to do if you are refused a loan because of betting. ✔️ Reasons for loan rejection. ✔️ Does a bank have the right to refuse a loan because of betting? ✔️ What should I do to prevent the bank from rejecting my loan? ✔️ All about being refused a loan because of betting.
Gambling problems
19 min

How to help a gambler

How to help a gambler. ⇒ What to do and what not to do when a partner is addicted to betting. ✔️ How to prevent a return to gambling. ✔️ All about how best to help a gambler.
Gambling problems
16 min

How to treat a gambler

How to treat a gambler. ⇒ How to start a conversation about problem gambling? ✔️ What if he doesn't want to solve the problem? ✔️ What to do if he wants to borrow money? ✔️ All about how to treat a gambler.
Gambling problems
14 min

Outpatient treatment for gambling

Outpatient treatment for gambling ⇒ How it works and helps. ✔️ For whom outpatient gambling treatment is suitable. ✔️ Everything you need to know.
Gambling problems
17 min

Stages of gambling

The Four Stages of Gambling ⇒ The stages of winning, losing, despair and hopelessness. ✔️ How to recognize the phases of gambling. ✔️ Where to seek help. ✔️ Four steps to recovery from gambling.
Gambling problems
14 min

Causes of gambling

Causes of gambling ⇒ How to prevent gambling addiction. ✔️ The most common causes of gambling. ✔️ Ways to prevent gambling addiction. ✔️ All about the causes and prevention of gambling.
Gambling problems
14 min

What is gambling

What is gambling? ⇒ Myths and facts about gambling. ✔️ How to spot a gambler and gambling addiction. ✔️ When is gambling fun and when is it a problem? ✔️ All about gambling.